Should You Buy a Dog After College?
S hould you buy a dog post-grad? I can’t give you a definitive answer to that question. However, I can talk through some pros and cons of taking on a furry friend after graduation. If you are familiar with the conception of It’s Mich, you would know that the summer before my senior year I felt overwhelmingly lost (if you are new here, hi welcome! check out my about section). I didn’t know what…
A Week in Moab: Sightseeing, Free Camping, & Hiking
F ree camping, arch sighting, long hiking, oh my! In March we took off for a camping road trip to Moab, Utah. We were blown away by all of the trails, activities, and campsites around Moab. After our 5 night stay, it felt like we barely scratched the surface of what the area has to offer. I put together a list of all the things we experienced in Moab. If you are headed to Utah…
Camping Road Trip Essentials: Packing List & Storage Tips
A ustin and I took our first big road trip in 2019. We were two college kids on a broke college kid budget. Naturally, we figured out some tips and tricks to enjoying the national parks on a scrappy budget. Annual parks pass, borrowing equipment, showering in Lifetime gyms, etc. By the time you are reading this, we have taken off and since returned from a trip through Colorado and Utah. We are (not…
Friends, Where Art Thou? Thoughts on Maintaining Relationships After College
I t’s 4 pm in September. You just stepped out of your last class for the day and the afternoon sunlight is dancing along the sidewalk. The campus is alive. Alive with the commotion of hurried feet and happy chatter. The bell tower rings out across buildings. You don’t know much about, well, anything. But you do know this, you have roughly one hour to curl your hair and throw on your best pair…