Personal Growth

5 Tips for Increasing Positivity on Mondays

Hello my lovely readers and Happy Monday! It is a beautifully fresh start to the week, yet many of us can’t help but suffer from the Monday blues. Today is the day to say screw Monday blues! We get seven days each week, why be miserable for 14.29% of them? Here are some tips for increasing your positivity on Mondays (and every day). I hope you all enjoy this post and are able to set yourself up for an awesome week!

Bonus Pre-Monday Positivity Tip: Clean your room on Sunday

In this bonus tip, I bring to you the findings of Harvard’s “Cluttered Desk Experiment”.


In this study, students were tasked with a puzzle that was literally impossible to solve. Half of the students were presented with this puzzle in a tidy workspace while the other half of students were given the same puzzle in a cluttered work environment. The students working in a tidy workspace attempted the puzzle for an average of 18.5 minutes versus the students in a messy workspace attempted for 11 minutes.


That is a 68% increase in effort given in a tidy space!! I can imagine trying 68% harder could lead to huge differences in productivity for you this Monday. Do yourself a favor and tidy up Sunday night so you can wake up to a clean environment Monday morning.

5 Tips for Increasing Positivity on Mondays

#1 Take Time for Yourself in the Morningpositive monday journaling

Give yourself time to do something you enjoy in the morning: read, journal, listen to music, drink a cup of coffee, etc.


Don’t wake up rushed with the day already getting the best of you. Be thoughtful in waking up 5-10 minutes earlier than you usually would.


Taking this time to be slow and present in an activity that brings you joy will start your day with a positive experience.

#2 Make Your Bed

Remember that 68% increase in effort from the Harvard study? Making your bed in the morning is a quick way to enhance the tidiness of your bedroom.


Additionally, there are an abundance of studies that indicate making your bed is incredibly beneficial to you. This post names a few of these studies. To give a few examples, making your bed in the morning increases your productivity and happiness throughout the day. It also improves the quality of your sleep during the following night. This is such a simple way to increase your positivity on a Monday morning.


So why not take 2 minutes to make your bed and start your day off with the successful completion of a task?


#3 Speak Positive Affirmations

affirmation positive monday

The words you speak become the house you live in. Speak kindly to yourself.


On this Monday morning, say something encouraging to yourself. Say multiple affirmations one time, say one affirmation a bunch of times, scream it, whisper it,  write it down, share it on your insta story, just do it!


This is yet another scientifically supported concept, speaking positive affirmations to yourself can greatly improve your self confidence, enhance performance in school and at work, as well as decrease negative thinking. 



#4 Move Your Body

I am not asking you to run a marathon this Monday, move your body in some form of exercise that you enjoy. I am a firm believer that Monday workouts set the tone for a consistent week of healthy exercise.


Go for a walk/run, do yoga, have a sweaty HIIT workout, lift some weights. Any type of exercise will release those feel good endorphins that will lead to a positive and energizing Monday.


#5 Sit Down For One Healthy Meal

Life gets busy and it is sometimes difficult to consistently eat healthy foods. This Monday, I challenge you to find the time to prepare at least one nourishing meal filled with whole and healthy foods.


Giving yourself the proper nutrients and treating your body with respect will start off the week on a fantastically healthy and positive note. This tip can be made even better if you cook and eat a meal in the company of your best friend, significant other, or family member. 

That is all I have for you today folks, short and sweet! I hope you implement these tips into your Monday, today and in the future. A life of positivity is a life worth living. I wish you all the best with the remainder of your week. If you enjoyed reading this post and would like to see more wellness related content, enter your name and email address in the subscription box down below. Subscribing will send notifications to your email when a new post is uploaded on It’s Mich. I appreciate all of you so much, thank you for reading. 
Until next time,

xx Mich